Fiscal registration

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A foreign-funded enterprise shall register in the local department of finance, within 30 days of obtaining a business license, by presenting the following documents:

a) Certificate of approval by the examination and approval department;

b) Business license;

c) an investment-amount certificate;

d) Contract and articles of association of the enterprise (duplicates);

e) Financial and accounting system adopted by the board of directors of the enterprise;

f) Effective qualification certificates for the enterprise's accounting personnel;

The department of finance will issue to the enterprise a fiscal registration certificate, and its duplicates, after the procedures have been duly completed.

The foreign-funded enterprise shall submit their accounting statements, at the scheduled time, to the financial department, and subject themselves to the supervision and management of the financial department.

If it divides, unites or sets up a branch, an enterprise is required to register at the local administration of industry and commerce; and within 30 days, it shall still submit it's registration documents, as well as duplicates and copies to go through corresponding financial procedures, to the local financial authority.