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STEP 1: Make a plan on house renting

How many budget you have, how large, buy or rent, whether houses or apartments, which district or specific area you prefer to live.

Gathering information through Internet, newspaper, magazine or among other media.

If you can read Chinese version of some property websites, you may find the prices sometimes are lower than those written in English and focus on foreigners only.

Have a basic concept of the prices for different housing types.

STEP 2: Find an agency and the houses you like

Each agency will publicize houses they are consigned to rent or sell, you can pick up some among the total.

You should visit several outlets of those large and famed local chain agencies around the areas you preferred before make the decision.

STEP 3: Check the house at the scene

Accompanied with one or two agent, you can visit the landlord and the house. Looking around as careful as you can and ask each question you want to know.

STEP 4: Hire an agency

If you find your preferred houses and the agency which you can trust and rely on, you may hire the agency to rent or buy the house from its owner.

Those agencies will need you to sign a contract with them to restrict you contact directly to landlords.

STEP 5: Bargain and sign contract with landlord through your agency

Both the leasing and purchasing contracts have their officially recommended version, you can adding some extra clauses after negotiating with your landlord.

You may bargain with landlord on the price and other extra conditions, such as repairing, renovation, fares (power supply, water, gas, and property management fee).

Make it clear on the responsibilities for taxation, fares (power supply, water, gas, and property management fee), repairing, among others.

STEP 6: Go to local real estate exchange center for contract registration

STEP 7: Pay deposit (for tenant) and get the key

Normally, you should pay the rent for the first month plus two months of rent as deposit before you move to your new home.

Remember, no matter buy or rent, registration is necessary, local agencies will do procedures for you or you can hire a lawyer to tackle them.